Facing an Anti-Family Economy
Economic demands often work against your being a man or woman in your household. There is a plan for manhood and womanhood that you can discover and execute, starting at home.
Responding to the Dominant Culture
Strong cultural pressures both pull you away from home and invade your life there. You can take responsibility and thrive.
Overcoming the Feeling of Powerlessness
Confused and isolated, sometimes you don’t know where to turn. You can become the man or woman you know you can be.
What can I do?
STEP 1: Start by reading Reclaiming the Household.
Then dive deep into the gifts of household life by taking Man of the Household (see below for more details) or Woman of the Household.
Free Online Course:
Man of the Household
Why take this course:
As natural as it is, being man of the household does not come naturally, especially today. We need to be intentional and take specific steps to become the man we want to be. The course goal is this: to be the man of my household, a true husband and father, taking first responsibility for crafting the good life in my home, and so fulfilling what my nature calls me to, my heart longs for, and my loved ones need and deserve.
To whatever extent we become that man, it is its own reward. Yet also our wife, our children, our friends, and all our loved ones will be grateful and reap the fruits of our efforts. For generations to come.
If you are interested, I would love for you to join me in this course.
This course has four modules:
- Man as Crafter of a Household
- Man as Husband
- Man as Father
- Man’s Work, Leisure, and Daily Life in the Home
Each module has:
- a pre-recorded lecture (viewable at one’s own schedule)
- a worksheet for formulating resolutions and a concrete personal plan
Each student can:
- participate in online discussion forums with me and other LifeCraft members
- email me questions to which I will respond directly by email
This course is designed for:
- husbands and fathers, young and not so young
- men preparing for marriage
- other men who seek to understand better their vocation to fatherhood, through considering fatherhood in its most obvious instance
- men’s groups, Bible Studies, Exodus 90, marriage prep groups, etc.

STEP 3: Take concrete steps to enrich the lives of those in your household, starting at the dinner table. Watch the Dinner at Home mini-series for ideas on setting manners and having good, meaningful conversations.
STEP 4: If you can, make a hearth in your home. If you can’t, how about a bonfire? Read about the importance of hearths and fires: Making the Times that Matter, We Need More Fires, A Fire in the Hearth, and Make a Fire Today.

STEP 5: See below for featured Wednesday Quotes that address the theme of household.
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