This Lent, take a journey with us to explore authentic manhood and authentic womanhood

Join John and other LifeCraft members LIVE in our online, interactive sessions exploring the philosophy of household.

 While LifeCraft’s Man of the Household and Woman of the Household courses are available to take at any time in a self-guided format, we are excited to invite you to “live” version of these courses (Starting Wednesday March 12) where LifeCraft members can learn synchronously and receive exclusive content from John and Sofia via Zoom sessions.  Grab a friend or spouse, your men’s or women’s group, or just do it yourself with the online group.  More information and the sign up below!

WHAT IS BEING OFFERED?  This is an opportunity to complete the Man of the Household or Woman of the Household Course -our premiere LifeCraft offerings! – with others over Lent, taking the course by pre-recorded modules in your home.  There will be three live Zoom sessions to supplement the course material: an intro session, a Zoom Q&A session half way through, and a concluding Zoom session.  This is all free of charge.

WHO IS THE INTENTED AUDIENCE? These courses are designed for men and women in any state of life, 18 years and older, who seek to understand better how to craft a fufilling life, starting at home.  In particular, the courses are ideal for married couples, new or old, as well as those preparing for marriage.  The courses are well designed for men’s groupes, women’s groups, Bible Studies, Exodus 90 groups, etc.

WHAT DO I NEED TO TAKE THIS COURSE? A computer or tablet, preferably with video capabilities for Zoom sessions, and availability on Wednesday nights.  You will also need a Podia account, more details on creating an account will be sent in an orientation email.

HOW DO I SIGN UP? Use the form below for the course you’d like to join (Man of the Household or Woman of the Household). We will be in touch shortly afterwards with info on how to access course materials, weekly reminders, and details for the Zoom sessions.

WHAT TIME ARE THE LIVE ZOOM SESSIONS? The Woman of the Household sessions (one hour each) will take place at 7:45 pm EST on Wednesday March 12 , Wednesday March 26th, and Wednesday April 9th. The Man of the Household Zoom sessions (one hour each) will take place at 9 pm EST on Wednesday March 12 , Wednesday March 26th, and Wednesday April 9th.  The first session gives a helpful introduction to the course; the second and third sessions give opportunity for John/Sofia to offer more thoughts, answer questions, and facilitate discussion.

HOW MUCH OF A COMMITMENT IS THIS? By signing up for the Man of the Household or Woman of the Household course, you are committing to completing the four course modules between March 12th and February 9th (i.e one model a week for 4 weeks; total time commitment per week approximately one and a half to two hours.)  Because online comments and Q&A are a great help in this course (and John will respond in the online space to all written comments/questions during the course), you commit to doing your best to add at least one question and at least one comment in the course section each week. This commitment helps foster discussion and support for each other as we go along. 

I HAVE QUESTIONS… Reach out to with any questions, and put MoH or WoH in the subject line!

The new understanding of who I am literally changed my life. It helped me see my dignity in a new way; I count the inspiration I got… as one of the most soul-stirring experiences of my adult life. The new understanding of self that I received continues to help melt fears of the unknown… It’s like a ‘tool kit’ I can always pull from and be more fully ‘me’ and have meaning.

- Elisa

LifeCraft Member
Thank you… for your explanation of emphasis on the household.  I would agree that men today (myself included) often miss the primary good of the building of the household for doing something ‘out there’ and in our modern context household crafting is not often emphasized or discussed.  I’ve really appreciated your 4-Part Plan as a guide for reflection on my household.

- Patrick

LifeCraft Member

Still curious?

Find full course descriptions below. Questions? Reach out to
Man of the HouseholdWoman of the Household

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