Oct 30, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
So much of what it is to be human is at stake in how we eat. No wonder we need several arts and virtues really to do it well. Thomas Aquinas has much to say about eating. A starting point is how the art of medicine, rightly understood and practiced, should have a key...
May 18, 2022 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
“Likewise, you should know that you will be so close to your husband that wherever he goes he will carry the memory, recollection, and reminder of you. You notice it in all married couples, for as soon as we see the husband, we ask him, ‘How is your wife?’ and as soon...
May 4, 2022 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“We can ask whether and to what extent our customs about eating are informed by insights into our nature. We can even ask whether and to what extent our customs about eating contribute to the perfection of our nature.” Leon Kass, The Hungry Soul Saying ‘goodbye’ to...
Aug 23, 2017 | True Friendship, Wednesday Quotes
“Now trending: destructed denim.” JC Penney Advertisement “Everything about this farm-house was formerly the scene of plain manners and plentiful living.” William Cobbett, Rural Rides It’s hard not to notice the advertisements I receive in the mail....
Feb 1, 2017 | Man of the Household, Reclaiming Manners, Wednesday Quotes
“At table let mirth be with thee, let ribaldry be exiled…for at table it becometh not to be sad nor to make others sad. … Nothing should be blirted out at table that might diminish mirth. It is wrong to defame the character of those not present; nor should one’s...
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