The latest in my series on Reclaiming Manners is an article I posted at The Catholic Gentleman, a reflection on this quotation:

“The greatest man would justly be reckoned a brute if he were not civil to the meanest woman.”
Martine’s Handbook of Etiquette (1866)

Today’s article is: How to Treat a Lady: Reclaiming Manners between Men and Women


Reclaiming Manners Mini-Series

This is the sixth in the series: Reclaiming Manners. Find the other posts below!

I.  Reclaiming Manners: A Series

II. Reclaiming Manners: The Look on Your Face

III. Reclaiming Manners in Speech

IV. Reclaiming Manners: Honoring Age

V. Reclaiming Manners in Dress

VI: Reclaiming Manners between Men and Women

VII: Reclaiming Manners at Table

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