A Good Wife

A Good Wife

“Nothing is better for man than a good wife…” Hesiod, Works and Days One might wonder whether that is an overstatement. It was once suggested to me that Thanksgiving is a good time to focus on one thing for which we are grateful. It now strikes me that this...
Last Chance to Plant

Last Chance to Plant

“Do remember that each kind of work has its season…” Hesiod, Works and Days A simple, mundane truth about the end of August. The mid-Atlantic growing season is moving toward its completion, so now is the last opportunity in the garden to plant...
Zeus’ Plan for February

Zeus’ Plan for February

“Aegis-bearing Zeus has a design for each occasion, and mortals find this hard to comprehend.” Hesiod, Works and Days Hesiod was convinced that Zeus has a plan for every occasion. Even February. Yet we mortals find this hard to comprehend—especially after a long, cold...

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