Nov 26, 2014 | True Friendship, Wednesday Quotes
“Nothing is better for man than a good wife…” Hesiod, Works and Days One might wonder whether that is an overstatement. It was once suggested to me that Thanksgiving is a good time to focus on one thing for which we are grateful. It now strikes me that this...
Aug 27, 2014 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“Do remember that each kind of work has its season…” Hesiod, Works and Days A simple, mundane truth about the end of August. The mid-Atlantic growing season is moving toward its completion, so now is the last opportunity in the garden to plant...
Feb 26, 2014 | Aleteia, Articles, Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“Aegis-bearing Zeus has a design for each occasion, and mortals find this hard to comprehend.” Hesiod, Works and Days Hesiod was convinced that Zeus has a plan for every occasion. Even February. Yet we mortals find this hard to comprehend—especially after a long, cold...
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