Sep 2, 2015 | Good Work, Wednesday Quotes
“The man who keeps his oath, or is just and good, will not be favored, but the evildoers and scoundrels will be honored…” Hesiod, Works and Days Whom do we as a people honor? Aristotle once asserted that a nation will produce the kind of men that it honors. There is...
Aug 26, 2015 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
“…and there will be no affection between guest and host.” Hesiod, Works and Days Ancient Greek literature reveals a striking practice of hospitality. We would do well to consider what is implied in this practice. When a host welcomes someone—sometimes even a stranger,...
Aug 19, 2015 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
“… shame will vanish.” Hesiod, Works and Days Hesiod gives a remarkable description of a degenerate culture by pointing to several of its hallmark characteristics. This one is particularly chilling. “Shame” for the Greeks refers to a crucial human passion: one that...
Aug 12, 2015 | True Friendship, Wednesday Quotes
“Bad neighbors are pests, good ones a blessing. A good neighbor is a boon to him who has one. If your neighbor is honest, your ox is safe.” Hesiod, Works and Days We would do well to think in terms of neighbors: who they are, and how to be one. There are many things...
Jul 8, 2015 | Good Work, Good Work (Featured Posts), Wednesday Quotes
“The gods keep livelihood hidden from men. Otherwise a day’s labor could bring man enough to last a whole year with no more work.” Hesiod, Works and Days In both biblical and ancient Greek accounts, work is something of an enigma. Having an aspect of punishment, it is...
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