Why We Must Start Planting, Again

Why We Must Start Planting, Again

“Of the art of acquisition [of food] then there is one kind which by nature is a part of the management of a household, in so far as the art of household management must either find ready to hand, or itself provide, such things necessary to life…” Aristotle, Politics...
Appreciating Onions

Appreciating Onions

“And I especially commend you for eating onions; they contain all health; they induce sleep; they may be called the apples of content, or again, the companion fruits of mankind.” Hilaire Belloc, “The Onion Eater” in The Hills and the Sea Eating is often an occasion...
Planting Radishes: A Place to Begin

Planting Radishes: A Place to Begin

“Agriculture isn’t like other skills, where the pupil has to spend an exhausting amount of time at his lessons before his work is of a high enough quality to earn him a living. No, agriculture isn’t awkward to learn like that: all you need is to watch people working...
The Call of Spring

The Call of Spring

“Nor would the stress Of life be bearable for tender things Did not so long a respite come between The cold and heat, and heaven’s indulgence grant This comfort to the world.” Virgil, Georgics “Remember the time has come to plow again.” Hesiod, Works and Days Isn’t it...

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