Jun 21, 2017 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes, What to Do This Summer
“And it was summer– warm, beautiful summer.” Hans Christian Andersen Making a household today often calls for being intentional. By being ‘intentional’ I mean making a conscious and regular effort to deliberate about how best to achieve an end. In an...
Jul 5, 2017 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes, What to Do This Summer
“I cannot separate it [watching the world go by] from the porch where it occurs. The action and the space are indivisible. The action is supported by this kind of space. The space supports this kind of action. The two form a unit, a pattern of events in space.”...
Jul 19, 2017 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes, What to Do This Summer
“We read to know that we’re not alone.” –attributed to C.S. Lewis; actually from Shadowlands, a movie about Lewis. While there is something attractive about this quotation, I’m glad that Lewis didn’t actually say it. While reading can indeed be a wonderful way...
Jul 26, 2017 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes, What to Do This Summer
“But when children play the right games from the beginning… it follows them in everything…” Socrates, in Plato’s Republic The question broke through the pleasant fog of dozing off on the couch on a Sunday afternoon. “Daddy, do you want to play statue?”...
Aug 2, 2017 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes, What to Do This Summer
“He who postpones wrestles with ruin.” Hesiod, Works and Days One of the profound aspects of our relationship with the earth, and with one another, is timing. There are natural rhythms, to which we need to learn to conform ourselves. Isn’t one of the...
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