Dec 31, 2019 | Wednesday Quotes
“My soul takes pleasure in three things, and they are beautiful in the sight of the Lord and of men; agreement between brothers, friendship between neighbors, and a wife and a husband who live in harmony.” Sirach Among these three beautiful things, the third perhaps...
Sep 28, 2016 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
I remember thinking on my birthday: how can all these people just be going about their business today? Don’t they realize? But the fact was that the key people around me did realize; and they acted like it. And so a child learns. This is a day of celebration....
Feb 19, 2014 | True Friendship, Wednesday Quotes
“For other animals have their natural ‘forethought’ which enables them to provide for themselves: whereas man lives by reason, which can attain to forethought only after long experience: so that children need to be instructed by their parents who are experienced. …...
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