Transcending Mere Efficiency
In the noise of an efficiency and technology driven world, we find it difficult to hear and respond to what nature is saying. You can learn to listen and live in accord with a wisdom deep within reality.
Mending Broken Ties
Socio-economic practices push our interactions with the natural world toward bodily comfort and acquisitiveness, alienating us from our place in nature. By reconnecting with the natural world you can re-forge broken ties in your life.
Finding Our Place
We feel we’re missing something of being human in this world. If you find your place in stewarding nature, both giving and receiving, you fulfill both human nature and the order of the world around us.
What can I do?
STEP 1: Read Stewardship: A Plan for Everyone and pick a few action items to start restoring the natural order in your home.
STEP 2: Become a free LifeCraft Member and watch the Concepts Made Clear videos exploring nature.
STEP 3: What you eat reflects basic truths about human nature and the human difference. Evaluate you relationship with food by asking yourself the three questions in Start With How You Eat.
STEP 4: Reset your mind and body’s relationship with music by taking the Two Week Music Challenge.
STEP 5: See the library of Wednesday reflections below, in which I lay out more principles for stewardship, especially in every household, since the household is where caring for people and caring for the natural world come together, naturally.
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A Great Reason to Maintain Our Home with Care
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Knowing Where Our Food Comes From
“A significant part of the pleasure of eating is one’s accurate consciousness of the lives and the world form which food comes.” Wendell Berry, “The Pleasures of Eating” in What are People For? There are very good reasons to consider where our food comes from. Let us...
A Stewardship Plan for Everyone: Conserve, Beautify, Fructify
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Start with How You Eat
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