When Your Livelihood Goes Up in Flames

When Your Livelihood Goes Up in Flames

Many events happen by chance, and events differing in importance; (now) if they turn out ill they crush and maim happiness; for they both bring pain with them and hinder many activities. Yet even in these nobility shines through, when a man bears with resignation many...
The Path is Not Smooth For a Reason

The Path is Not Smooth For a Reason

“The Father himself Willed that the path of tillage be not smooth, And first ordained that skill should cultivate The land, by care sharpening the wits of mortals, Nor let his kingdom laze in torpid sloth.” Virgil, Georgics Why do things have to be so hard? Often I...
As a Good Shoemaker

As a Good Shoemaker

“Yet even in these nobility shines through, when a man bears with resignation many great misfortunes, not through insensibility to pain but through nobility and greatness of soul… For the man that is truly good and wise, we think, bears all the chances of life...
If Desire is Not in Vain

If Desire is Not in Vain

…for at that rate…our desire would be empty and vain.” Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics The insights of Aristotle never cease to amaze. Assiduously avoiding rash assumptions and unsupported conclusions, he nonetheless boldly makes claims that lesser minds would not dare...
Our Only Refuge?

Our Only Refuge?

“And in poverty and misfortunes men think friends are the only refuge.” Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics In sorrow as well as in joy, but even more so in sorrow, we feel that we need to turn to other people. This says much about human life. It is worth asking ourselves:...

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