The Amazing Gift of Gratitude

The Amazing Gift of Gratitude

‘Do you wish to repay a favor? Receive it graciously.’ Seneca, De Beneficiis There is usually more than meets the eye in the wonderful realm of benefaction– doing favors or good deeds for others. In any benefaction freely given there is the possibility of a...
Eating Meat with Thanksgiving

Eating Meat with Thanksgiving

“And so it is likewise clear…that plants exist for the sake of animals, and other animals for the sake of human beings. Domestic animals are for both the use and the food they provide, and most but not all wild animals are for the sake of food and other uses…...
Grateful to be a Teacher

Grateful to be a Teacher

“It’s no easy task—indeed it’s very difficult—to realize that in every soul there is an instrument that is purified and rekindled by such subjects [liberal studies] when it has been blinded and destroyed by other ways of life, an instrument that is more important to...
A Good Wife

A Good Wife

“Nothing is better for man than a good wife…” Hesiod, Works and Days One might wonder whether that is an overstatement. It was once suggested to me that Thanksgiving is a good time to focus on one thing for which we are grateful. It now strikes me that this...
The Fall of Acorns

The Fall of Acorns

“When the oak-tree is felled, the whole forest echoes with it; but a hundred acorns are planted silently by some unnoticed breeze.” Thomas Carlyle That time of year is almost here. The first acorns are appearing on the ground. Soon unnoticed breezes will be planting...

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