The Antidote to News:  Real Life Here and Now

The Antidote to News: Real Life Here and Now

Wise men and the purveyors of contemporary culture recognize the same dramatic truth. We are addicted to news. Probably unlike the purveyors, the wise perceive the root of the addiction and so can offer something the purveyors don’t want—a path to freedom. Over...
The Best Reason to Read Aloud Together

The Best Reason to Read Aloud Together

There is nothing quite like the silence that comes over the room at the close of the final sentence. For a brief yet timeless stretch we are all there together, highly aware of one another but in wonderful solitude. Then, the conversation begins. The power of reading...
That I Might Be Seen

That I Might Be Seen

The hard conversation with a loved one comes to an impasse. A welter of feelings resolves into one overriding pain: I don’t feel seen. In the end the greatest suffering is to be, or feel, alone. And to feel unseen is the very heart of loneliness. Josef Pieper...
2 Gifts of Winter

2 Gifts of Winter

Many today yearn to live closer to ‘nature:’ a term, nay, a reality with many rich, diverse aspects. From primitive diets and organic farming to bare foot shoes, cold showers and breastfeeding, trends indicate a growing sense that nature, and particularly human...
Self-Care: 2 Principles of a Higher Approach

Self-Care: 2 Principles of a Higher Approach

Popular trends today reveal that human nature is always ‘at work’ in people, inclining us toward various good things. At the same time, these trends can illustrate how misconceptions and disordered desires can taint or pervert such good inclinations. A growing...

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