“I say that it is the greatest good for a man to discuss virtue every day…” Socrates, The Apology

LifeCraft, “dedicated to the philosophy of household,” came to birth just over three years ago during my sabbatical from teaching. Since then every Wednesday I have posted. My idea was that in teaching Philosophy I am in a position that most others today are not: I am constantly exposed to the insights of the great masters. I wanted to share them with others.

It is a joy and privilege to share them in this venue.

A good number of readers of this site I have never met in the flesh. Perhaps I will have the occasion to do so. Given my own convictions about the primary importance of bodily presence, I will always prefer and favor being together in classroom or lecture hall, or in dining room.

But nonetheless I am very grateful to have the ‘contact’ we have, even when anonymous, through this site. And I hope that the quotations have helped you to ‘discuss virtue every day’ with your loved ones, in the flesh.

Through the generosity of a donor my site has been redesigned. I plan on more improvements. Soon I will send a brief survey to all subscribers to ask how this site might be more helpful and enjoyable. If you are a ‘facebook’ follower, I encourage you to consider becoming a ‘subscriber’ by entering your email address on my home page in the ‘Subscribe’ box near the top right. You will simply receive an email when I post my Wednesday Quotes—and also the upcoming brief survey asking for your input. I would really like to have that opportunity to get your input.

The comments and feedback that you give are always most welcome. I have learned from your insights and reflections, and they help me tailor what I do to your wishes–which is my main desire.

With my prayers and best wishes to all of you,
John Cuddeback

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