
Boethius wrote, “Music is part of us, and either ennobles or degrades our behavior.” Plato and Aristotle saw it as central in education and in living a fully human life. Join Sofia and me in a hard-hitting discussion about how the music we listen to can be a deadly Trojan horse or a life-giving force in the heart of our homes.


 Music: A Two Week Challenge – LifeCraft



00:00The Hidden Power of Music in the Home

03:12Music as a Trojan Horse or Genuine Gift

06:08Philosophical Insights on Music

09:00Music’s Role in Moral Formation

11:51Concrete Human Experience in Music

15:10The Impact of Music on Family Life

18:13The Dangers of Shallow Music

20:52The Importance of Discernment in Music Choices

23:50The Analogy of Music and Food

26:55The Challenge of Music Appreciation

30:46The Essence of Human Delight

33:01Moral Formation and the Role of Home

36:51The Impact of Music on Perception

40:41The Role of Music in Child Development

46:20Practical Guidelines for Music Selection

50:42Understanding Rhythm and Melody

54:25Evaluating Lyrics and Vocal Delivery

58:45Integrating Music with Liturgy

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