Open disagreement between spouses, or even just not seeing eye to eye, can be very painful. It is also quite common. Central to the art of marriage is to be able to accept this while also addressing it.
Experience shows that it is to be expected. To some extent then, disagreement need not mean that anything has gone wrong. We do well to begin by recognizing that how we deal with disagreement is precisely a key feature of how we grow our marriage and as individuals; I’d even go so far as to say it is ‘natural’ and part of the plan. This should be a very heartening thought.
Of course certain deeper disagreements might cross a line of seriousness and call for intervention or other such remedies. But most of us will be within a range of discord, variance, or tension that is ‘normal,’ the addressing of which will be part of our daily labors. A few principles might be helpful.
Probably the single most important step is to take stock of just what the nature and causes of the disagreement are. Often the pain and difficulty of the situation inclines us to jump to conclusions and then wade in without really examining what is going on. A first key question is whether this is simply a divergence of thought in the abstract, or is this complicated by personal elements such as painful aspects of our past lives or of our marriage relationship itself? The former situation, where we come to different conclusions unencumbered by emotional freight, is much more straightforward. Here we have a great and not-as-difficult opportunity—that is, if we seize it—of listening and getting to know the mind of the other. Even this takes practice and intentionality.
In the other situation, which will probably be more common, we have a great opportunity to do some things that can really grow us and our relationship. First, know thyself. It always behooves us to begin with self-examination. We tend to go into self-defense and even attack mode, both of which preclude a clear look at ourselves. Am I focusing on the issue and really thinking clearly about it? Am I overconfidently assuming I’m right and neither genuinely listening nor considering how my viewpoint could expand here? Am I sufficiently aware that my position might be unduly influenced by my own prejudices, experiences, or hurts?
Truly, there is little that can undermine a relationship like a non-self-aware and over-confident disposition.
I must admit, I sometimes wonder when I hear a spouse simply proclaiming as obvious that his or her spouse just ‘doesn’t get it.’
After self-examination comes an examination of the other. In addition to the issue of whether I’m really understanding the content of the position, there is more. Are there experiences and hurts that could be affecting—perhaps legitimately!—how the other is thinking and feeling right now? And—this can be especially difficult to see—am I somehow antagonizing my spouse or pushing him or her toward disagreeing by the way I’m comporting myself?
These things, and more, are what marital disagreements should prompt us to consider, especially since between spouses addressing a disagreement is never about winning. It’s always about us, and our relationship, and how we can serve others, beginning with our children.
All this said, we must reckon with a common situation where one spouse is in fact more ‘tuned in,’ and more ‘gets it’ about the why and how of living a good life. This can be very difficult, especially in view of how it can impinge on ‘them’—i.e., the children. My point here surely has not been: “don’t sweat the details, just make sure you listen to one another.” Rather, all that I have suggested above takes on a deeper significance precisely because some disagreements concern matters of profound importance. How will we pray as a family? What technologies will be allowed and used in the house? What is our approach to spacing children? How will we inculcate modesty? What work will we expect of children? What music will we listen to? The list is long, and how we sort these out will have real implications for family life.
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that all we can do is do our given part. By an incomparable and irreplaceable design the main judgments in marriage and household are determined by two people, not by one. Again, we must never lose sight that this is how marriage grows us. Two people must learn to listen and to speak one’s mind, to be humble and appropriately assertive, to treat each other as beloved peers and equals, even while honoring first authority and submission. This last calls for a treatment on its own. But we can be assured that authority and submission, to be the magnificent masterpieces they should be, presuppose two parties that learn to see themselves, to see and hear the other, and who act from love, for one another and for all those other persons given to their care.
It is no wonder that the author of Sirach writes,
My soul takes pleasure in three things, and they are beautiful in the sight of the Lord and of men; agreement between brothers, friendship between neighbors, and a wife and a husband that live in harmony.
Living in harmony. Beautiful indeed. And beautiful too the long road of forging it. ~ ~ ~
TODAY’S NEW PODCAST is WHAT IF MY SPOUSE IS NOT ON THE SAME PAGE? Join Sofia and me in discussing how this difficult situation can be met and grown through. Check out and share our other PODCASTS too.
Husband, father, and professor of Philosophy. LifeCraft springs from one conviction: there is an ancient wisdom about how to live the good life in our homes, with our families; and it is worth our time to hearken to it. Let’s rediscover it together. Learn more.
Well stated. Disagreements are such complex things because they often are tied to a string of things that have been building…..and building in each of the partners about the other. I’ve often viewed arguments between spouses that escalate as akin to throwing everything in except (but in this case, including!) the kitchen sink. When that happens – when things not even ancillary to the subject at hand – are brought in while anger, frustration, resentment, and hurt escalate, there is little hope that at that moment things will be resolved. Disagreements that reach this level are a clue that there are things that needed perhaps for a long time, to be talked about and hopefully resolved. But the reason they are not talked about is one or the other of the partners feels it is a no win discussion, a situation that will not result in positive resolution. It’s almost as if the only way to get things that are bothersome out is through a no holds barred fight.
The golden opportunity at that point or more precisely when tempers are calmed is to then talk about the issues that have been brought up. But that is not an easy thing to do if resentment is still present. It takes a tremendous amount of trust to do that. Yet without doing that, things will never be resolved.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Bob. The voice of experience has much to share here!
I wonder where you would see the Church’s teaching on headship here. The premise of this article seems to suggest that marriage is egalitarian, rather than trinitarian.
Thank you for asking, Padua. I’m sorry if it wasn’t clear, but I mentioned ‘first authority’–implying that this is the role of the man, and ‘submission’–implying that this is a wife’s response to first authority. I note that this calls for a separate treatment, though I also note (at the end) how the points of this reflection are necessary in order for first authority and submission to function well. I treat these issues at length in my Household Courses. We are also dedicating an upcoming podcast episode to it.
I’ll be looking forward to this episode coming up! There has been quite a bit of online noise lately about the headship/submission in marriage issue, and lots of it has been really off putting, so I’m really excited to hear your wise and reasonable advice from the Christian and philosophical perspective!
Sorry, I missed that point.
No problem, Padua; I wasn’t as explicit as I could have been. And thanks, Nicole. I very much see what you mean about much discussion of this issue being off-putting. We need to try our best to get this right!
Wonderful subject matter John. I look forward to listening to you & Sofia expound upon the subject matter in the podcast
Every human organization needs a way to break tie votes. I learned this as a corporate lawyer for small businesses. Someone must have the last word, or the organization must terminate. Either one person is the tie breaker or the organization must have a way to dissolve. Inevitably in every marriage, one or the other spouse is effectively the tie-breaker, or the couple divorces.
Human beings, as a species, are hardwired at a biological level for men to be the tie-breakers in marriages. Other species have different social structures, but in every successful culture throughout the centuries, men have been the predominant heads of the family.
Further, both Scripture and Tradition tell us that the husband should be the ultimate decision-maker if the family is to thrive. Scripture references are well-known and explicit. Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical on Christian marriage, Arcanum, ( summarizes the compelling Catholic teaching in this regard and sets limits on what a husband can rightfully demand and how he should treat his wife.
Of course, Catholic moral theology is clear that no one has the right to demand someone else to do something immoral or (generally) illegal, for that would take away the other’s inherent agency as a moral actor.
In every human organization, there are good leaders and bad ones, good subordinates and bad ones. A good leader understands the connection between the health of the organization and the happiness (eudaimonia) of the people he leads and knows he must navigate the tension between the good of the organization and the good of each individual. It is a very difficult task, which is why leaders in business almost always must be paid more than their subordinates.
So it is with husbands. There are good and bad husbands, and good and bad wives. But even if the husband is not a very good husband and makes many mistakes, he must still be the head because only when his leadership is not called into question can he effectively lead–“for better or for worse.” No marriage can thrive if there is a power struggle between the spouses.
Thank you, Loye, for these thoughts. I think you rightly point to a divine plan written into nature for the first authority or headship of the husband. I also think it is important, in order to have a full view of this wonderful design, that we recognize some differences between a husband’s authority and other forms of authority, such as in a business. I’m not saying you should have done so here; but for the full picture it will be important. As I noted above, we are preparing a podcast in which we will share some more thoughts in this direction. Thanks again for sharing, including the Leo XIII encyclical!