How we live in a home stems from how God lives in eternity and how he wants to live with us. What might seem beyond imagining is really the root of family life and its incomparable importance.

In a stunning reflection, Thomas Aquinas uses two verses of Proverbs, chapter 8 verses 30 and 31, to show two things that Christ rejoices in from all eternity. The context in Proverbs is how wisdom—identified with the second Person of the Trinity—was with God the Father when he created. The first verse reads, “And I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always.” Some translations say “playing before him.” So, Father and Son simply rejoice together. They love to be together. Even, they play together. From eternity, this is what Being does. This is Life at its root.

A father and a son simply living together. In a sense, what else is there?

But wait; actually, in a sense, there is something else. The next verse adds the almost unthinkable. Though absolutely nothing was lacking, there is something else in the heart of this trinitarian God. “And my delight was to be with the sons of men.”

This is no passing or insignificant delight. It is, as Aquinas notes, from eternity. And it can be described as nuptial! “And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.” (Isaiah 62:5) Silent awe is perhaps our best response.

How a bridegroom rejoices over his bride. So God rejoices over us human persons and wants to take us to himself.  Here is matter for endless reflection, wonder, and gratitude.

If a man takes to himself a woman other than in a household, then he is no bridegroom, and she no bride. Who is a true bridegroom, who truly rejoices over the bride? When we discover this, then we begin to discover how He rejoices over us. And home is the place to discover it.

Life in a home is by its nature, by its design, a reflection and indeed a participation in the eternal and wondrously solid foundation of all reality. At the deepest root of Being, God rejoices to live with himself, and God rejoices to live with us. As father and son, as bride and groom.

From this perspective—and what perspective is higher?—we can never doubt the incomparable dignity of what we do in our homes, every day. If we wonder what homelife gives to our children, we have here our answer. It can give them a window on, a taste of, even an introduction into the only thing that ultimately matters, that stands as the foundation and end goal of all creation. The joy of true shared life.

As a husband, I perceive herein also a great challenge. How I treat my wife every day has such consequences! It will affect what, on hearing the words ‘as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride,’ comes into the imagination and mind of my loved ones… of my children… of my bride herself.

Here again the household appears as the focal point and center of reality. Regardless of how it is maligned, abandoned, misunderstood or dismantled, it will always remain itself, founded on the eternal joy of the divine heart. And it calls us every day to discover and enact something yet to be achieved, even as it reminds us of the love that never changes. ~ ~ ~

NEW: NEXT LIFECRAFT ONLINE READING: Wendell Berry’s essay: The Pleasures of Eating. Join us to discuss this provocative essay about the place of eating in every household. Wednesday September 4th, 8:30pm EDT SIGNUP HERE

LATEST PODCAST is WHAT IF MY SPOUSE IS NOT ON THE SAME PAGE? Join Sofia and me in discussing how this difficult situation can be met and grown through. Check out and share our other PODCASTS too.

ALSO, MY LECTURE from LIFECRAFT DAY at the BARN: HUSBANDRY: THE MANLY ART and ITS CONCRETE FORMS. This led to some amazing discussions!

And a snapshot of the garden:

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