Those Bygone Workmen

Those Bygone Workmen

“Those bygone workmen did not serve, they worked. They had an absolute honor, which is honor proper. A chair rung had to be well made. That was an understood thing. That was the first thing. It wasn’t that the chair rung had to be well made for the salary or on...
How Nature Provides for Us

How Nature Provides for Us

“Therefore nature, if it produces nothing incomplete or in vain, necessarily has done all these things for the sake of human beings.” Aristotle, Politics What are ‘all these things’ of which Aristotle speaks here that nature has done? By the order of nature plants...
Cleaving the Earth with a Plow

Cleaving the Earth with a Plow

“The farmer cleaves the earth with his curved plow. This is his yearlong work, thus he sustains His homeland, thus his little grandchildren, His herds and trusty bullocks. Never a pause!” Virgil, The Georgics A man puts a plow in the earth. Behind a horse. He knows...
A Deeper Gift of Vacation

A Deeper Gift of Vacation

“Amusement is a sort of relaxation, and we need relaxation because we cannot work continuously.” Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics “Leisure is the end of toil.” Aristotle, Politics Aristotle distinguishes two kinds of downtime: amusement and leisure. Amusement refers to...

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