May 25, 2022 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
Giving birth is the natural complement and continuation of the marital act. Cultural practices informed by human selfishness have deeply marred the sexual act, often stripping it of its natural meaning, intimacy, and efficacy. Cultural practices can have a parallel...
Oct 20, 2021 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
But love, first learned in a lady’s eyes… Shakespeare, Love’s Labours Lost It has been said that woman specializes in loving. There is a profound truth in this. It is not that men do not know how to love or are not called to love. But women, especially in...
Jan 13, 2021 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
“These coppers, big and little, these brooms and clouts and brushes, were tools; and with them one made, not shoes or cabinet-work, but life itself. One made a climate within a climate; one made the days,–the complexion, the special flavor, the special happiness...
Oct 17, 2018 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
“My opinion is that when a wife is a good partner in the house, her contribution is just as beneficial as the husband’s. …if both of these jobs are done well the household flourishes; but if they are done badly, households suffer.” Socrates, in Xenophon, The Estate...
Aug 29, 2018 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“Thus the nature both of the man and of the woman has been preordained by the will of heaven to live a common life. For they are distinguished in that the powers which they possess are not applicable to purposes in all cases identical, but in some respects their...
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