Husbands and Wives Need Husbandry and Housewifery

Husbands and Wives Need Husbandry and Housewifery

“This destroyed household that now stands between the sexes is a wound that is suffered inescapably by both men and women.” My eyes were opened when I read these words of Wendell Berry. My wife’s suffering in a home arrangement that has shown itself more and more to...
Facing the Challenge of Marriage

Facing the Challenge of Marriage

Marriage is perhaps the most striking paradox in the material cosmos. How can doing marriage right be at once so necessary and so difficult? Yet in this, it is the perfect mirror of human life itself. While life is not simply about marriage, or in any case not with...
Carrying My Spouse with Me

Carrying My Spouse with Me

“Likewise, you should know that you will be so close to your husband that wherever he goes he will carry the memory, recollection, and reminder of you. You notice it in all married couples, for as soon as we see the husband, we ask him, ‘How is your wife?’ and as soon...

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