That I Might Be Seen

That I Might Be Seen

The hard conversation with a loved one comes to an impasse. A welter of feelings resolves into one overriding pain: I don’t feel seen. In the end the greatest suffering is to be, or feel, alone. And to feel unseen is the very heart of loneliness. Josef Pieper...
God’s Timing: Learning to Accept and Enact It

God’s Timing: Learning to Accept and Enact It

A great divide in approaches to life is whether we see God’s Providence as really in charge. Perhaps the main way we reject it is regarding timing. Why does this ailment drag on? Why didn’t I meet this person sooner? Did this problem have to happen now? Or even, why...
A Different Thinking, Every Day

A Different Thinking, Every Day

“There is an order that reason does not establish but only beholds, such is the order of things in nature.” Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics What do we spend our time and energy thinking about? For most of us, living what is traditionally...
Attentive Parenting, of Birds and Men

Attentive Parenting, of Birds and Men

“Examples are found among certain species of birds whose young are not able to seek out food for themselves immediately after hatching. In fact, since a bird does not nourish its young with milk, made available by nature as it were, as occurs in the case of...
The Theologian and the Philosopher

The Theologian and the Philosopher

“So those who use the works of philosophers in sacred doctrine, by bringing them into the service of faith, do not mix water with wine, but rather change water into wine.” – St. Thomas Aquinas “The scanty conceptions to which we can attain of celestial things...

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