Mar 30, 2016 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
“No empty-headed Superstition, blind to the age-old gods, Imposed this ritual on us, and this feast, No… we carry out these rites, Renewed each year, as men saved from barbaric Dangers in the past.” Virgil, The Aeneid Thus speaks King...
Mar 2, 2016 | Good Work, Wednesday Quotes
“That day when Turnus raised the flag of war… The high commanders… From every quarter drew repeated levies And laid the wide fields waste of their field hands.” Virgil, The Aeneid I have always been alarmed by the ease with which a sand castle is stomped down by a...
Jan 22, 2014 | True Friendship, Wednesday Quotes
“I am Aeneas, duty-bound, and known Above high air of heaven by my fame, Carrying with me in my ships our gods Of hearth and home, saved from the enemy.” Virgil, The Aeneid, I Pious Aeneas. The phrase appears again and again in The Aeneid. Virgil is intent on...
Jan 8, 2014 | Aleteia, Articles, Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
“Here for the first time he took heart to hope For safety, and to trust his destiny more Even in affliction.” The Aeneid, I, Virgil The great city of Troy has fallen in an inferno of death and destruction. Having lost his wife, Aeneas embarks on an Odysseus-like...
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