Feb 1, 2017 | Man of the Household, Reclaiming Manners, Wednesday Quotes
“At table let mirth be with thee, let ribaldry be exiled…for at table it becometh not to be sad nor to make others sad. … Nothing should be blirted out at table that might diminish mirth. It is wrong to defame the character of those not present; nor should one’s...
Jan 25, 2017 | Articles, Reclaiming Manners, The Catholic Gentleman, True Friendship, Wednesday Quotes
The latest in my series on Reclaiming Manners is an article I posted at The Catholic Gentleman, a reflection on this quotation: “The greatest man would justly be reckoned a brute if he were not civil to the meanest woman.” Martine’s Handbook of...
Jan 11, 2017 | Reclaiming Manners, True Friendship, Wednesday Quotes
“Wear not your clothes foul, ripped or dusty, but see that they be brushed once every day, at least, and take heed that you approach not to any uncleanness.” Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior* Common practice in dress has notably deteriorated. Many...
Jan 4, 2017 | Reclaiming Manners, True Friendship, Wednesday Quotes
“You shall stand up before the hoary head, and honor the face of an old man…” Leviticus 19:32 Honoring age, by obvious and meaning-full bodily signs, is as old as humanity. Which signs are to be used is a matter of custom; that signs must be used is...
Dec 21, 2016 | Reclaiming Manners, True Friendship, Wednesday Quotes
“Be not forward but friendly and courteous; the first to salute, hear, and answer; and be not pensive when it’s a time to converse.” #66, Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation* Regarding our power of speech Aristotle...
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