Learning How and Why to be Still Every Day

Learning How and Why to be Still Every Day

One of the most arresting lines in the Psalms is in 46:10, “Be still and see that I am God.” The verbs in Latin are memorable: vacate et videte. As these are plural imperatives it seems to be a command that applies to everyone. And it begins with a demanding...
Holy Week Doesn’t Just Change Life; It is Life

Holy Week Doesn’t Just Change Life; It is Life

Holy Week and Easter can be a bit overwhelming. We sense this is an opportunity we should not miss, but just what to do can be elusive. An insight into human nature from Plato and Aristotle can encourage and give us practical direction. Plato once asked, “Do you think...
Why We Carry Out These Rites

Why We Carry Out These Rites

“No empty-headed Superstition, blind to the age-old gods, Imposed this ritual on us, and this feast, No… we carry out these rites, Renewed each year, as men saved from barbaric Dangers in the past.” Virgil, The Aeneid Thus speaks King...

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