Aug 15, 2018 | Good Work, Wednesday Quotes
“The farmer cleaves the earth with his curved plow. This is his yearlong work, thus he sustains His homeland, thus his little grandchildren, His herds and trusty bullocks. Never a pause!” Virgil, The Georgics A man puts a plow in the earth. Behind a horse. He knows...
Aug 2, 2017 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes, What to Do This Summer
“He who postpones wrestles with ruin.” Hesiod, Works and Days One of the profound aspects of our relationship with the earth, and with one another, is timing. There are natural rhythms, to which we need to learn to conform ourselves. Isn’t one of the...
Aug 27, 2014 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“Do remember that each kind of work has its season…” Hesiod, Works and Days A simple, mundane truth about the end of August. The mid-Atlantic growing season is moving toward its completion, so now is the last opportunity in the garden to plant...
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