Rediscover the Ordinary This Spring

Rediscover the Ordinary This Spring

I am convinced that our most significant response to the challenges of our age will be in the most ordinary practices. I do not say the obvious but the ordinary. Ordinary is a great word; it means what pertains to the regular order. We live in a time when what used to...
Two Ways to Listen to the Ultimate Audio Book

Two Ways to Listen to the Ultimate Audio Book

“[T]here is a great book: the very appearance of created things. Look above and below, note, read. God whom you want to discover, did not make the letters with ink; he put in front of your eyes the very things that he made. Can you ask for a louder voice than that?”...
Our Need to Garden: Two Urgent Questions

Our Need to Garden: Two Urgent Questions

Human nature suggests with some urgency the importance of putting seeds in the earth. We all might stop and give ear to this perennial call and also recognize that our times give it increased urgency. Today, to not-plant seeds should be a rare exception. Aristotle...
What the Raspberries Said

What the Raspberries Said

“The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Proverbial statements often contain much wisdom. When they come to mind, it might be a fitting opportunity to ponder what deeper truth they contain. This proverb came to my mind while pruning raspberries...
Nature: What It Takes for Us to Notice

Nature: What It Takes for Us to Notice

“Of things that exist, some exist by nature, some from other causes.” Aristotle, Physics Why is it that we tend to appreciate less and less that which we see often? Herein is surely one of the great banes and challenges of human life. We grow used to things. There is...

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