Jul 24, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
Open disagreement between spouses, or even just not seeing eye to eye, can be very painful. It is also quite common. Central to the art of marriage is to be able to accept this while also addressing it. Experience shows that it is to be expected. To some extent then,...
Jul 10, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
A marriage proposal is always a story worth hearing. A married couple is happy to tell how ‘it’ happened, and we willingly share their joy in remembering. We want to hear the whole story though we already know how it ends. Even as marriage between a man and a woman is...
Jun 19, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
We tend to reflect more on the role of man as father than as husband. Rediscovering husbandry goes hand in hand with rediscovering fatherhood. But wait a moment, you immediately wonder; am I making a play on the word ‘husbandry?’ What am I talking about here? Let’s be...
May 29, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
A key explanation of why happiness is so elusive is in the answer to this question: Why are some homes more a ‘home’ than others? This is no surprise, since the wise tell us that home is where our heart is at rest. Indeed, where else would our heart be at rest? Life...
Apr 17, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
“This destroyed household that now stands between the sexes is a wound that is suffered inescapably by both men and women.” My eyes were opened when I read these words of Wendell Berry. My wife’s suffering in a home arrangement that has shown itself more and more to...
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