Changing How Our Children Do Dating

Changing How Our Children Do Dating

How our young people date is problematic; and I’m not talking about the mainstream habits of a ‘hookup culture.’ I mean young people from families with traditional values, where preparing for marriage and waiting for marriage are implicit, accepted goods. It is not...
One Possible Reason God ‘Lets’ It Happen

One Possible Reason God ‘Lets’ It Happen

We all need to face it at some time, perhaps even many times. “Why did God let this happen?” Even if we don’t say the words, the question wells up within us. In the last couple of years there seems an unusually high number of such situations in my corner of the world...
Love First Learned from a Lady

Love First Learned from a Lady

But love, first learned in a lady’s eyes… Shakespeare, Love’s Labours Lost It has been said that woman specializes in loving. There is a profound truth in this. It is not that men do not know how to love or are not called to love. But women, especially in...
Is Love Irrational?

Is Love Irrational?

“And yet, to say the truth, reason and love keep little company together nowadays. The more the pity that some honest neighbors will not make them friends.” Shakespeare (Bottom, in A Midsummer Night’s Dream) Lovers can be notoriously irrational. But is true love...
Becoming a Better Lover

Becoming a Better Lover

“‘Try to pay attention to me,’ she said, ‘as best you can. You see, the man who has been thus far educated in matters of Love, who has beheld beautiful things in the right order and correctly, is coming now to the goal of Loving: all of a sudden he will catch sight of...

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