2 Gifts of Winter

2 Gifts of Winter

Many today yearn to live closer to ‘nature:’ a term, nay, a reality with many rich, diverse aspects. From primitive diets and organic farming to bare foot shoes, cold showers and breastfeeding, trends indicate a growing sense that nature, and particularly human...
When Life Is Even Better Than Gardening

When Life Is Even Better Than Gardening

I have discovered an arresting reference to how the drama of the soul is even better than the drama of the soil. Usually, we see how life is like cultivating the earth. Here, we have the joy of seeing how in a pivotal way it is significantly better. In examining the...
Lenten Resolutions: Sowing Good Seed

Lenten Resolutions: Sowing Good Seed

The life-lessons from sowing seed are endless. Not every seed we plant will grow; but nothing can grow except from seed. We should always begin then by planting what we want to grow, even if it might not come to full fruition. “Man casts seed to the ground, when he...
The Path is Not Smooth For a Reason

The Path is Not Smooth For a Reason

“The Father himself Willed that the path of tillage be not smooth, And first ordained that skill should cultivate The land, by care sharpening the wits of mortals, Nor let his kingdom laze in torpid sloth.” Virgil, Georgics Why do things have to be so hard? Often I...
What Can Be Sweeter?

What Can Be Sweeter?

“And the Lord, seeking his workman among the multitudes to whom he thus crieth, saith again: ‘What man is he that desireth life and would fain see good days?’ (Psalm 33) And if hearing him thou answer, ‘I am he,’ God saith to thee: ‘If thou wilt have true and...

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