Learning How and Why to be Still Every Day

Learning How and Why to be Still Every Day

One of the most arresting lines in the Psalms is in 46:10, “Be still and see that I am God.” The verbs in Latin are memorable: vacate et videte. As these are plural imperatives it seems to be a command that applies to everyone. And it begins with a demanding...
Finding Joy in Going Back to Work: 2 Suggestions

Finding Joy in Going Back to Work: 2 Suggestions

At this time of year when many of us must ‘go back to work’ after a break, we can wonder about the place of work in our life. It makes me think of when I first read Wendell Berry and E.F. Schumacher commenting that our work has become a chore to be avoided. I felt...
Two Ways to Listen to the Ultimate Audio Book

Two Ways to Listen to the Ultimate Audio Book

“[T]here is a great book: the very appearance of created things. Look above and below, note, read. God whom you want to discover, did not make the letters with ink; he put in front of your eyes the very things that he made. Can you ask for a louder voice than that?”...

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