Jan 5, 2022 | Other / Misc, Wednesday Quotes
“Pursue wisdom like a hunter, and lie in wait on her paths.” Ben Sira (Sirach 14:22) There is something primordial about hunting. In part, because we all need to find certain things—things that call for hunting of some kind. Hunting done well is always about life....
Nov 14, 2018 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“Shepherds, …fishers, and hunters have increase of food spontaneously from nature, not from barter or commerce…Domestic animals are for both the use and the food they provide, and most but not all wild animals are for the sake of food and other uses…...
Oct 4, 2017 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
“For from the start the functions are divided, and those of the man and the woman are different.” Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics When my daughter first asked me if she could hunt I hesitated. I am firmly convinced that due to the natural difference between...
Dec 17, 2014 | Articles, Man of the Household, The Catholic Gentleman, Wednesday Quotes
Many of our sons are suffering, in more ways than we realize. And what they need is more time with us, their fathers. Here is a reflection I posted at The Catholic Gentleman: “It’s Not About the Deer: Three Reasons to Take Your Son Hunting.”...
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