Dec 31, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
Home is like heaven. What more is there to say? Dickens’s immortal short story of Christmas goes to the deepest longings of the human heart. This stands to reason, as the great drama of human life is always a drama of home, and home-coming. And this tends to come to...
Dec 4, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
“Only the lover sings.” Though St. Augustine’s rightly famous words strike us as true, we perhaps do not immediately grasp a corollary: love calls for and even demands singing. To sing—at least in a certain way—both expresses and cultivates the very love from which it...
Aug 28, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
A husband and father struggles to discover his place in the home. What exactly is his mission and how does he go about achieving it? A proper notion of peace, and of home, can offer clarification. Augustine’s definition of peace is my all-time favorite definition....
Jul 31, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
How we live in a home stems from how God lives in eternity and how he wants to live with us. What might seem beyond imagining is really the root of family life and its incomparable importance. In a stunning reflection, Thomas Aquinas uses two verses of Proverbs,...
May 29, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
A key explanation of why happiness is so elusive is in the answer to this question: Why are some homes more a ‘home’ than others? This is no surprise, since the wise tell us that home is where our heart is at rest. Indeed, where else would our heart be at rest? Life...
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