The Path is Not Smooth For a Reason

The Path is Not Smooth For a Reason

“The Father himself Willed that the path of tillage be not smooth, And first ordained that skill should cultivate The land, by care sharpening the wits of mortals, Nor let his kingdom laze in torpid sloth.” Virgil, Georgics Why do things have to be so hard? Often I...
Fields Bereft of Tillers

Fields Bereft of Tillers

“For right and wrong change places; everywhere So many wars, so many shapes of crime Confront us; no honor attends the plow, The fields, bereft of tillers, are all unkempt…” Virgil, The Georgics So many wars; so many different shapes of evil. Right and wrong...
One Faithful Bee

One Faithful Bee

“Some have affirmed that bees possess a share Of the divine mind and drink ethereal draughts; For God, they say, pervades the whole of creation.”             Virgil, The Georgics I took this photo today of a particular bee that caught my attention. This time of...
Learning from the Bees

Learning from the Bees

“Passing their lives under exalted laws, Alone they recognize a fatherland And the sanctity of a home, and provident For coming winter set to work in summer And store their produce for the common good.” Virgil, The Georgics IV Bees simply stand out from other animals...
The Gift of Spring

The Gift of Spring

“Nor would the stress Of life be bearable for tender things Did not so long a respite come between The cold and heat, and heaven’s indulgence grant This comfort to the world.” Virgil, Georgics II I must be a tender thing. I cannot picture bearing the stress of life...

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