The Antidote to News:  Real Life Here and Now

The Antidote to News: Real Life Here and Now

Wise men and the purveyors of contemporary culture recognize the same dramatic truth. We are addicted to news. Probably unlike the purveyors, the wise perceive the root of the addiction and so can offer something the purveyors don’t want—a path to freedom. Over...
Learning How and Why to be Still Every Day

Learning How and Why to be Still Every Day

One of the most arresting lines in the Psalms is in 46:10, “Be still and see that I am God.” The verbs in Latin are memorable: vacate et videte. As these are plural imperatives it seems to be a command that applies to everyone. And it begins with a demanding...
2 Steps to Discovering Our Contemplative Identity

2 Steps to Discovering Our Contemplative Identity

Perhaps the most dramatic assertion about human nature, in part because of the difficulty in comprehending it and its implications, is that man is at root a contemplative being. The great Josef Pieper famously asserts this point with unapologetic force: “Man,...
Vacation for the Sake of Vision

Vacation for the Sake of Vision

Our word ‘vacation’ comes from an interesting Latin verb that means to be idle, empty, free, or unoccupied. This gives occasion to consider an important question: why do we go ‘on vacation’ anyway? Vacations reasonably can have various purposes. But a line in the...

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