Jul 20, 2016 | Restoring Home Life, True Friendship, Wednesday Quotes
“For instance, in order for the pattern of events ‘watching the world go by’ to happen, it is essential that the porch should be a little raised above the level of the street; it is essential that the porch be deep enough, to let a group of people...
Jul 13, 2016 | Man of the Household, Restoring Home Life, Wednesday Quotes
“The bed is the center of the couple’s life together: the place where they lie together, talk, make love, sleep, sleep late, take care of each other during illness … The importance of the bed as an anchor point in a couple’s life is brought home in this passage from...
Jul 6, 2016 | Man of the Household, Restoring Home Life, Wednesday Quotes
“If children do not have space to release a tremendous amount of energy when they need to, they will drive themselves and everybody else in the family up the wall.” Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language We need spaces that foster the various aspects of human life....
Jun 29, 2016 | Good Work, Restoring Home Life, Wednesday Quotes
“…the heart of this common area is a kitchen or an eating area since shared food has more capacity than almost anything to be the basis for common feelings… …all the members of the family [need] to accept, fully, the fact that taking care of themselves by cooking is...
Jun 22, 2016 | Man of the Household, Restoring Home Life, Wednesday Quotes
“No social group…can survive without constant informal contact among its members. Any building which houses a social group supports this kind of contact by providing common areas. The form and location of the common areas is critical… Relatives and intimate...
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