Aug 25, 2021 | Uncategorized, Wednesday Quotes
“…shall I call it dying life or living death?” Augustine of Hippo, Confessions Change is difficult. This is not so obvious to the young—though they too surely crave stability, even if not so consciously. The more we mature and begin to achieve some things we...
Jun 12, 2019 | Wednesday Quotes
“Peace is the tranquility of order.” St. Augustine, The City of God There are few words that exercise such a power over our hearts, and our imagination. A few years ago I was giving a lecture at a division-one university, introducing students to some basic points in...
Jan 2, 2019 | Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
“For not to go only, but to enter there, was naught else but to will to go, but to will it resolutely and thoroughly; not to stagger and sway about this way and that, a changeable and half-wounded will, wrestling, with one part falling as another rose. The mind...
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