Dec 31, 2024 | Wednesday Quotes
Home is like heaven. What more is there to say? Dickens’s immortal short story of Christmas goes to the deepest longings of the human heart. This stands to reason, as the great drama of human life is always a drama of home, and home-coming. And this tends to come to...
Dec 27, 2023 | Wednesday Quotes
Our celebration of Christmas is ongoing. This is not about ‘making a point’ or offering a corrective to others. It is a matter of taking the opportunity to express our joy and gratitude, as well as our resolve that the birth of Christ make a real difference in our...
Dec 20, 2023 | Wednesday Quotes
Dicken’s A Christmas Carol speaks to all of us at Christmas time by raising the central issue of human life: priorities. What do we really prioritize each day? The story’s powerful and perpetual appeal comes from how well it raises this question, especially regarding...
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