What will it take to rediscover the ancient reality of the household? In the latest issue of Humanum I raise some difficult questions. Here is the article: “In Search of the Household.”
Husband, father, and professor of Philosophy. LifeCraft springs from one conviction: there is an ancient wisdom about how to live the good life in our homes, with our families; and it is worth our time to hearken to it. Let’s rediscover it together. Learn more.
Well said Dr. Cuddeback. For most, we are generations removed from those basic skills. In a desire to reclaim “household” and be a place of formation, production and leisure where does one learn these things to return to the home being central in our life?
“And what, if anything, can constitute a robust home life in the absence of the real work of producing the material needs of human life?”
This question from your essay has given words to what has been troubling my heart and puzzling my mind over the course of our family’s homeschooling years. Something has been missing – an imbalance felt – while trying to shape, form, and educate my children. I could clearly see that no amount of suburban “chores” ever felt like they were REAL “responsibilities” or “contributions” towards the maturation of my children. Not sure where to go now, but I appreciate your essay giving expression to that nagging feeling that something wasn’t right. God bless.
Terrific, Dr. Cuddeback. Worth some deep reflection. Thank you.