Responding to Economic Pressures
Our economy especially rewards work that is removed from real needs and real life. You can make your profession more meaningful and find other enriching good work.
Reconnecting through Better Work
Often our work is shallow or even soul-numbing, and we feel disconnected from our bodies, the earth, and our community. Good work can reconnect you and build surprising new ties.
Rediscovering Your Inner Craftsman
We can’t find time or occasion to develop deeper, richer skills, and we feel incompetent in basic areas of life. The inner craftsman in you can come alive through a variety of soul-enhancing works.
What can I do?

STEP 1: Become a free LifeCraft member to watch the Concepts Made Clear videos on work and leisure.
STEP 2: Commit to reconnecting to your humanity by learning a craft, be it metalwork, preserving food, or splitting wood.

STEP 3: Evaluate your relationship with money based on Socrates’ advice. See A Different Approach to Money.
STEP 4: Foster a healthier perspective on work by understanding leisure. Get started with the Leisure Series.

STEP 5: Read the featured Wednesday Quotes below to explore more aspects of work and how we can humanize it today.
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Crafting the Human by Slaughtering a Pig
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Choosing Toil this Summer
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The Economics of Splitting Wood by Hand
*This is a reposting of the first piece I ever posted online, almost exactly eight years ago, at Front Porch Republic. It has remained one of the most popular I’ve posted. Also, here is short video sharing my joy in splitting wood. Hilaire Belloc once wrote that he...
Recent Posts:
Crafting the Human by Slaughtering a Pig
"let this day begin again the change of hogs into people, not the other way around, for today we celebrate again our lives’ wedding with the world, for by our hunger, by this provisioning, we renew the bond." Wendell Berry, 'For the Hog Killing' It’s about being...
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An Empty Nest
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Manual Workers, Wisdom, and Cosmic Order
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Choosing Toil this Summer
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A Great Reason to Maintain Our Home with Care
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When Medicine Becomes a Business
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