Mar 8, 2017 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes, Why Everyone Should Garden
“The Paterfamilias should think a long time about building, but planting is a thing not to be thought about but done.” Cato the Elder, On Agriculture I have spoken to many people who have thought about gardening but who have not started to do so. That is why these...
Mar 15, 2017 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes, Why Everyone Should Garden
“Do you think it is any less necessary to ask the gods for mercy where agricultural affairs are concerned? Sensible farmers, I can assure you, worship and pray to the gods about their fruits, grain, cattle, horses, sheep—yes, and all their property.” Xenophon, The...
Mar 22, 2017 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes, Why Everyone Should Garden
“The land provides the greatest abundance of good things, but doesn’t allow them to be taken without effort. It trains people to endure the cold of winter and the heat of summer.” “Furthermore, the land also freely teaches justice to those who are capable of learning;...
Mar 29, 2017 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes, Why Everyone Should Garden
“Thanks to those who work it, the land bears not only the means for people to live, but also bears the means for them to live pleasantly.” Xenophon, The Estate Manager Of course there are different kinds of self-sufficiency. Aristotle thinks that a political society...
Apr 12, 2017 | Articles, Natural Steward, The Catholic Gentleman, Why Everyone Should Garden
Today The Catholic Gentleman posted my article “Gardening as Medicine for Millennials, and the Rest of Us,” as the last installment of my series Why Everyone Should Garden. “The literature on millennials is extensive. And I have not read it. But as a...
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