Aug 18, 2021 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“Daddy, why do weeds grow faster than carrots?” I was really struck by this question as my son and I worked together in the quiet of a beautiful evening in our garden. Surely all plants are good in some way and have their place in the natural order. But nonetheless...
Jun 23, 2021 | Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“A man may have hearing and yet not be hearing…” Aristotle, On the Soul We probably take hearing for granted, as though simply something we can do at will. But what if without realizing it we are actually hard of hearing, or even deaf? Hearing is a wonderful and...
Jun 16, 2021 | Good Work, Good Work (Featured Posts), Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“The Father himself Willed that the path of tillage be not smooth, And first ordained that skill should cultivate The land, by care sharpening the wits of mortals…” Virgil, The Georgics Summer has begun. As a kind of new beginning, every season offers a natural...
May 26, 2021 | Good Work, Natural Steward, Natural Steward (Featured Posts)
“Now to cultivate something is to devote one’s attention to it. And we can cultivate something in two ways: either to make what is cultivated better, as we cultivate a field… or to make ourselves better by the cultivating, and in this way we cultivate wisdom.”...
May 5, 2021 | Natural Steward
“Alone of all, the human race lifts up its head on high, and stands in easy balance with the body upright… Thy glance is upward, and thou dost carry high thy head, and so thy gaze is skyward…” Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy Philosophers and...
Mar 31, 2021 | Good Work, Man of the Household, Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“…you thought that the shepherd as a shepherd tends the sheep not with a view to their own good, but like a mere diner or banqueter with a view to the pleasures of the table; or, again, as a trader for sale in the market, and not as a shepherd.” Plato, Republic...
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