Mar 31, 2021 | Good Work, Man of the Household, Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“…you thought that the shepherd as a shepherd tends the sheep not with a view to their own good, but like a mere diner or banqueter with a view to the pleasures of the table; or, again, as a trader for sale in the market, and not as a shepherd.” Plato, Republic...
Feb 3, 2021 | Articles, Front Porch Republic, Good Work, Good Work (Featured Posts), Man of the Household, Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
*This is a reposting of the first piece I ever posted online, almost exactly eight years ago, at Front Porch Republic. It has remained one of the most popular I’ve posted. Also, here is short video sharing my joy in splitting wood. Hilaire Belloc once wrote that he...
Dec 16, 2020 | Good Work, Man of the Household, Natural Steward, True Friendship, Wednesday Quotes
“We’ve gotten stuck in the summer mode, in chronic summer… In fall and winter we should move into a new mode, a contractive and restorative mode… like coming home at the end of the day… with a sense of settling, of slowing down, of peace, of...
Nov 18, 2020 | Good Work, Man of the Household, Natural Steward, Wednesday Quotes
“And it belongs to…the medical art to produce health, not to make money. Nevertheless, some men turn every art into a means of money-making, as if this is the end.” Aristotle, Politics The state of medical practice in our country and in the world has been...
Oct 21, 2020 | Good Work, Man of the Household, Wednesday Quotes
“Well then, Critobulus,” said Socrates, “what if I demonstrate that, in the first place, some people spend a lot of money on building useless houses, whereas others spend far less and build perfectly adequate houses?” Xenophon, The Estate Manager I wonder what...
Aug 12, 2020 | Good Work, Wednesday Quotes
“But on a well-banked plot Odysseus found his father in solitude Spading the earth around a young fruit tree.” Homer, Odyssey It is one of the most powerful images of Greek literature. An old man is tilling the soil around a young tree. Most likely he will never see...
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