Oct 7, 2013 | Articles, Front Porch Republic, Front Porch Republic, Good Work
In mid-September of this year my father passed away after a several year decline with dementia. With the help and support of family and friends we were able to give him a very special burial—in that we buried him ourselves: opening the earth, setting him in it, and...
Mar 20, 2013 | Front Porch Republic, Good Work
Hilaire Belloc once wrote that he never burned anything but oak in the huge fireplace of his ancient home in West Sussex. For a while I considered doing the same in the wood stove of my home in the Shenandoah Valley. … The Economics of Splitting Wood by Hand...
Mar 20, 2013 | Front Porch Republic, Man of the Household
When in 1967 my parents were the thirteenth family to move into newly minted Columbia, Maryland, I was three months old. The American dream at that time generally took the form of owning a house in the suburbs. In the forty-five years that have been my lifetime, that...
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